
Should I Choose Cork Insulation for My Home?

There are a wide array of different choices available for home insulation. While fiberglass insulation is the most common type in the U.S., it does have many disadvantages, including some potential health risks during installation. A superior alternative is sparking interest among many homeowners in North America. Cork is an excellent insulator with ideal thermal… Read More


Cork Insulation FAQs

Cork is a natural product that comes from the cork oak trees of the Mediterranean region. Unlike many other building materials, cork is environmentally friendly. It also offers superior benefits for home insulation and protection. When it is used for insulation, cork has enviable thermal properties. It also provides insulation from sounds and vibrations. How… Read More


Why Cork Is an Eco-Friendly Product

Most people’s familiarity with cork involves wine stoppers. But in recent years, growing awareness about the need to be eco-friendly has driven builders and homeowners to consider using cork for other purposes. As a building material, after all, it’s hard to beat cork. It’s water-resistant, fire-resistant, and mold-resistant. Cork is also a very good insulator,… Read More