Why Cork?

ThermalCork Solutions - Midwest - Cork
Discover the Wonders of Cork

Our Cork Spray Systems are designed to provide long-term cost savings for your residential or commercial property.

If you are seeking a more intelligent and energy-efficient method to coat your building while safeguarding your investment, it’s time to explore the countless possibilities of cork. This lightweight and versatile material has swiftly gained popularity as a superior alternative to stucco, paint, and other conventional coatings.

If you require protective coatings, turn to ThermalCork Solutions – Midwest to acquire the latest products you need. Are you eager to learn more? No problem! Contact us today to obtain the information you seek!

The Advantages of Exterior Cork Coatings

Due to its wide range of potential applications, cork is unquestionably one of the most adaptable materials used in construction. It particularly excels as a sprayed cork coating since it can be applied to and adhere to nearly any surface, including brick, stone, wood, and timber frames. Regardless of the material you intend to coat, thermal cork protection is an exceptional choice.

Cork also exhibits remarkable water resistance, making it an effective barrier against external water infiltration. If you have concerns about water damage to your building’s materials, which can lead to mold, mildew, and rot, a thermal sprayed cork coating will provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.

Being a non-toxic and non-poisonous material, cork poses no safety hazards when used in residential or commercial buildings. Unlike many other materials, it is also a natural fire retardant. In the event of a fire, it will not contribute to the spread of the flames and can even help contain them. Moreover, when cork burns, it does not release any harmful gases. Therefore, it is a secure choice for your home.

This remarkable material also serves as an effective insulator, sealing in heat and preventing unnecessary energy loss. By applying thermal sprayed cork protection to your walls and roof, you can minimize heat leakage and reduce energy consumption. If you are interested in enhancing energy efficiency and making your building more environmentally friendly, investing in this type of coating is an excellent first step.

About ThermalCork Solutions – Midwest

If you are ready to experience the potential of cork coatings firsthand, it’s time to connect with the team at ThermalCork Solutions – Midwest. We offer top-quality ThermalCork products for both residential and commercial customers. You can always rely on the quality of our products, and our certified professionals will ensure proper application.

Are you ready to get started? Contact us today for a free estimate and discover how ThermalCork can benefit your building. Our team is always available to assist you, so feel free to give us a call!